Not Enough Hours in The Day.... I Swear
Sometimes I feel like I have just laid my sleepy head down on my amazingly comfortable pillow, pulled my favorite fuzzy soft blanket up around my neck and closed my heavy eyes, and beep beep beep.... My alarm is already going off. Two hungry mouths are waiting to be fed, the van is rolling out of the driveway for preschool, (running back inside because i forgot the diaper bag in the chaos), trip to post office, pick up daughter from school, drive home, lunch time, nap time, yay finally a rest period... haha ya right.. *clean the windows, mirrors, scrub the floors, do the dishes, uh-oh i forgot to fold the laundry, fluff the clothes in the drier, start another load of laundry, answer a telemarketer phone call* andddd now the kids are awake. now its barbies, coloring, play-doh, strawberry shortcake episodes, reading stories, fiance is now home from work, dinner time, hmm what should we have, bath time, chasing naked baby around the house, cuddle time, bed time, paypal invoices, blog, soothing scarey dreams, cleaning up dinner, and now im laying my sleepy head down on my amazingly comfortable pillow......... (and we begin again)
I swear there are not enough hours in the day.. Does anyone else agree with me here? I mean I am constantly on the run or so it feels I am. I have no one but myself to blame for the utter chaos in my life. My goal this week is to start USING my amazing Life Planner from the wonderful Erin Condren for more than just a paperweight. I am going to try and start planning ahead and designating certain days of the week and specific times to do specific things. My daughters go to their dad's on Wednesday night so I am going to start planning on doing my new business *see what I mean I have no one to blame but myself.* on the days when I do not have them (Thursdays-Fridays) I really enjoy being busy, I always have but there HAS to be a way to be more organized and to minimize the amount of times I consider pulling my hair out and stomping my feet while screaming "I QUIT"
Now please understand that I used to work as a full time Nurse during the day and as a Mommy to two by night. I am no longer working as a nurse because I am lucky enough to have a fiance who allows me to be a stay at home mom. This is all new to me and I REALLY struggle with not having a "full time" job. I have always had a job since I was 15 years old. There has never been a time in my life that I haven't had a job and have relied on someone else. So I have found new things to fill my schedule with (which is why I am in the situation that I am in now) so that I feel accomplished. My fiance has been a major supporter in me expanding my store onto Etsy. Currently I am selling vintage items on Instagram and it is going wonderfully. I currently have over 1700 followers who I love dearly. Selling on Instagram allows me to not feel like I am JUST a stay at home mom. Don't get me wrong being a stay at home mom is freaking hard work. It is a never ending job that I have a love/hate relationship with but I wouldnt trade it for the world. Expanding my store will allow me to make some extra money (who doesn't love a little extra money) I am really excited about this and I am really excited about making this commitment to organized and plan my weeks ahead of time so i can try and feel like a busy organized business running mommy!
My girls deserve to have their Mommy's full attention more than just 1/3 or 2/3 of it while I am cleaning, cooking, invoicing, packing boxes for shipping, blogging. I am really excited to try and organize life a little bit. Oh wait did I mention I am getting married next weekend? ha let see how well I can stay calm and organized. With summer quickly approaching getting my schedule in order will allow more time for walks to the park, picnics, lunches downtown, trips to the zoo, and swimming in the sunshine!
Please follow me on here, IG @twingiraffe and Etsy Twin Giraffe (store opening soon)
I am always interested in your comments, your advice, thoughts, you name it I wanna hear it.
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