Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Pure Romance Baby

deep breath....sigh...ahhhh

I am so excited to announce that I am going to become a Pure Romance Consultant. This was a major decision for me and I thought long and hard (haha no pun intended) about this. I just recently went to Pure Romance party at a good friends house and was in absolute awe. I absolutely love the business aspect of this company and the fact that "SEX SELLS"  Having my nursing degree I think I will really enjoy helping women learn more about their bodies.

 I am so excited to meet with my soon to be Pure Romance mama and finish my paperwork. I will be posting sales and specials on my instagram page @twingiraffe so make sure you head over there and follow me so you get my IG specials :)

 Woot woot!!!! who doesn't love a girls night. I know that I do. I can not wait to get together with girls for some education and fun!!! Im not going to lie I am a tad bit nervous but I promised myself I will work my a$$ off to be the best that I can possibly be!

If you have any questions, would like a catalog, to place an order, or just chat email me at and make sure you follow my IG page @twingiraffe

1 comment:

  1. Haha! That is great! I actually went to one of these parties in college..perfect timing right? So fun! Congrats on your new journey!
